On Thanking Business Blog Readers and a Message from Porky Pig

On Thanking Business Blog Readers and a Message from Porky Pig - http://jobshuk.com Avatar Posted by yoni67 under Success Stories
From http://jobshuk.com 4783 days ago
Made Hot by: shepherd on May 26, 2011 10:04 am
"What a long, strange trip it's been!" (The Grateful Dead)

My final business blog post and a THANKS to all who have made it possible!


Written by yoni67
4780 days ago

To my dear friends and supporters at Bizsugar,

I am sorry that I am going to have to make this a group "Thank You" but having just returned home after several days in the hospital I am exhausted.

To all who have supported me on my blogging journey, both at the blog site and here at BizSugar, I say a heartfelt "THANK YOU!" Thank you for taking the time from your busy days to read, vote and comment. It is much, much, much appreciated!

I look forward, as strange as it seems, to not blogging anymore. I'm tired. I've said what I wished to say. And I look forward to spending my energy on other things.

I do look forward however, to remaining a part of this community and look forward to dropping in regularly to scan the site for great articles, vote and leave comments.

Thank you!


Written by alinisrael
4782 days ago

Class act Master Maisel! It will be missed.



Written by 9devon9
4782 days ago

Yes you are Yoni and yes it will! ~~Devon

Written by saraib820
4782 days ago

Dear respondents,

Yoni is out of Social Media range at this time. Hopefully your comments will be answered before the weekend...hopefully. If not they will be answered next week when Yoni plans to be back voting and commenting on BizSugar, though not blogging. That's done, and no Brett Favre style comebacks.

His wife

Written by profit613
4782 days ago

To Dearest Yoni,

You have been a pleasure to read. You are a fun and funny guy and that fact has been clear in your writing! I wish you all the best for continued health and success,

Your foreign exchange student,

Rochelle Rochelle

Written by Jerusalem Post
4782 days ago


We are glad your blog gave you great international exposure and that people in other parts of the world got to see what a fine writer you are!

Best wishes!



Written by careerscoach
4782 days ago

They say every cloud has a silver lining....and while all in the Biz Sugar community will miss your great posts, it will make it easier to break into the weekly Biz Sugar top 10;)

Best of health and luck to you!

Written by techfordummies
4782 days ago


This will always be my favorite:

Business Technology: Do the iPhone 4 and iPad Harbor Sinister, Murderous Intentions?


Live Long and Prosper!

Written by alastair
4782 days ago

Hi Yoni

Very sad to hear that we won't be reading your thoughts again. Like many Bizsugar users, I've greatly enjoyed your writing style and humour and your posts will be greatly missed.

I wish you well with your health and I hope you enjoy your hikes and sunrises.


Written by ILForums
4782 days ago

From everybody at IL, staff and fans, thank you Yoni!

Best of health to you and remember that endings are new beginnings!

Stay in touch!

Benjamin & Crew

Written by hamed1
4783 days ago


Thanks to the joy you have brought me! May you always go in peace!

Salaam Aleichum!

Hamed Ji'Bril

Written by lovedthisarticle!
4783 days ago

You and Oprah on the same day?

You are the best Yoni and I look forward to staying in touch!

Love and kisses,

Heidi Kalman

Written by gpoint
4783 days ago

You are an incomparable talent Yoni! Your refreshing style and wit will be missed!


Written by BradenM
4783 days ago


Your blog will be sorely missed not just because of the business end of it. You have made me smile and almost fall out of my seat laughing on many occasions. You have a very unique prespective and view on life. Your blog has been a shining example of creativity and I hope some of the boring bloggers have learned something because reading many of their blogs can put me to sleep!

Be well and be strong!


Written by lovedthisarticle!
4783 days ago


Amen! I'm not the biggest fan of blogs but I became an instant fan. I always looked forward to the next hysterical article which always mixed business and fun. Others should see this blog as an example of making things fun for readers!!!!

Heidi K.

Written by ronika
4783 days ago

I imagine I speak for many of us at BizSugar, when I say that we are going to miss your incredibly energetic, inspirational and often hilarious insights, Yoni. Of course your health and happiness must take precedence. And at least we will still have the benefit of your unique perspective.

Take care of yourself, Yoni!

Written by JackieP
4783 days ago


Sometimes the needs of the one, outweigh the needs of the many. Take care of yourself and your family, enjoy your adventures, hikes & conversations with God. Your posts have been a source of enjoyment for many and your contributions will be missed.

All the best


Written by m4bmarketing
4783 days ago

Take care Yoni, looking after your health is more important than blogging.

All the best for you and Rivkah and your dog of course.


Written by yoni67
4783 days ago


Thanks. No chance I will completely disappear. I will continue to enthusiastically await your posts!


Written by businessavante
4783 days ago

Hi Yoni - and, I guess, Bye.

It saddens me dearly to see you stop blogging, but I certainly respect your wishes. I would say: "Say it ain't so!!", but your reasons seem ultimately compelling. If you get the urge, be sure to drop by and delight us once again.

You WILL be missed!

Happiness & Good Luck in All you do!


Written by yoni67
4783 days ago


THANKS! You are a man of great integrity.

As far as blogging, no chance I will start again. I've said in my blog what I wanted to say. Sort of like Forrest Gump when he decides after running across the country back and forth that he's done.

As far as BizSugar, I will not disappear. I will remain an avid reader, commenter and voter.


Written by saraib820
4783 days ago

It's been a lovely journey!

Written by yoni67
4783 days ago

Lovely indeed. Now let's go for a nice walk in the moonlight!

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