7 Things You Didn’t Know Gmail Could Do

7 Things You Didn’t Know Gmail Could Do  - http://www.smallbizdaily.com Avatar Posted by Rieva Lesonsky under Technology
From http://www.smallbizdaily.com 3876 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on November 18, 2013 11:40 am
If you’ve got a Gmail address or use Google Apps for work, you’re probably busy navigating your Google-made inbox for a big part of the day. For all the time you spend in Gmail though, you probably aren’t taking full advantage of its tools: it’s simple on the surface, but packed with features, and changes all the time — it’s a Google product, after all. For example: Using Gmail as a task management system? Yup, that exists. Sending 10GB files over email? Yup, that too. And those brand new tabs at the top of your inbox that Google added?


Written by Rieva Lesonsky
3871 days ago

Google does try to keep improving.

Written by bloggerpalooza
3872 days ago

Great one.

I didnt really know this things until now. It is really humbling that there are many people that are willing to share secrets and infos just to help us newbies.

Written by lyceum
3873 days ago

Rieva: I am interested to learn how I can use Gmail as a task management system. I have to check out the video.

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