By Bob Herbold
John Hennessy, the President of Stanford University, made quite a splash recently when he publicly predicted the death of the lecture hall as university education takes advantage of online capabilities. In his acceptance speech for the 2012 IEEE Medal of Honor, he went on to explain that you certainly can’t fully automate all of teaching but parts of it are an excellent match to current technologies; such as the lectures themselves.
The Real Fun Of Business: Seizing Inflection Points!
Posted by Sian Phillips under TechnologyFrom 4251 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on January 23, 2013 12:15 pm
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4247 days ago
Business owners on the other hand will take every opportunity to grow and exploit great ideas, innovations, and great discoveries.
I think one side can learn from the other. When the 2 "sides" get together??? Amazing things can and do happen!
Great post Bob - and thanks for sharing your insights from your experience.
4251 days ago