Most small businesses still see print Yellow Pages advertising as their most effective way to generate sales leads, but many are also eager to integrate effective internet options into their overall marketing approach, according to a new survey of 1,000 small businesses. Some 63% of small businesses (25 or fewer employees) advertise in a printed Y Read More

It's Not the Media That Matter, but the Modes

Avatar Posted by ArmadaIG under Advertising
From 6138 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 21, 2007 3:31 am
Consumers don't think in terms of media when they're actually experiencing it. They think in terms of what they want to do and what they want to get out of their media experience. If they're craving entertainment, they want to be entertained. If they're seeking knowledge, they want information. If they feel like sharing, discovering or express Read More

Mobile Ads Marked by Promise, Problems

Avatar Posted by jnelson under Advertising
From 6157 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 31, 2007 3:34 pm
The audience for mobile Web-based campaigns is growing, and more marketers are experimenting with the medium. But many brand managers are hesitant to commit big budgets. Mobile marketing spending has been on the cusp of a major breakthrough for years. But roadblocks persist.
A Nielsen study cited in Advertising Age found that only 10% of mobile Read More

Local media more trusted both on- and offline

Avatar Posted by ArmadaIG under Advertising
From 6167 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 25, 2007 7:04 pm
A combination of print and online local media is a more trusted and relied-upon environment for advertising than commercial television, found a new survey by TNS Media. The value of local media in advertising has been the subject of a study for the Newspaper Society's ongoing research project. It turns out that local media is a more trusted and re Read More

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