Backstabbing co-workers are a reality in all kinds of work spaces. Here are excellent tips to handle backstabbing co-workers well in the workplace. Read More
It happens with every individual and to deal with anxiety is achieved by only smart people. Here are few tips to overcome uncertainty and turn into success Read More
Narrowing down on career path for yourself is never an easy thing for anyone to do. Since it is no easy thing to pick out a good career path for yourself, you should take your time to do so and not take the decision in a hurry as chances are you might regret your decision in the future. Given here Read More
Being a startup CEO in a company is certainly a demanding task indeed. Yet if you think you have skills and capability then follow these tips mentioned here Read More
All of us are known well that working long hours directly correlates to stress, unease, and heart disease. However still, we persist to grant our jobs to a greater extent of our time. Working for longer hours really doesn’t add to higher productivity. In fact, steadily working more than 40 hours a Read More

Why Core Values Are Important

Avatar Posted by bockmary7 under Employee Benefits
From 1232 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on June 3, 2021 2:04 pm
A "fun" company culture isn't enough to drive performance. People want (and need) to see how their work is contributing to something larger than themselves.

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Potluck means the arrangement of the food and delicacies for the office staff where staff members contribute any one dish.

Potlucks are a type of small event where all employees gets together to eat and share their views on any of the main topics related to the office work and so on. Read More
As we turn young adults we discover the perfect style of clothing that suits us.

We become highly knowledgeable on how to dress for particular occasions. A person’s success begins the moment someone looks at them and their appearance. Read More
As an employer you must be tired of listening to various excuses that employees come with especially when there is a new project, report to be submitted or when a work’s due is nearing. In situations like these you are left confused as to whether sympathize or somehow get the work done. Read More
The answer to the question if anyone loves their job would be yes. There are many people who love their job and passionate about it. They are grateful to their job and excited about doing it. There are also people who hate their jobs, but the article would be discussing about the ones who love thei Read More

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