How to Conduct a Job Interview

Avatar Posted by dobbie under Human Resources
From 6041 days ago
Made Hot by: Shelly on January 16, 2008 1:19 am
Got a key position to fill? Hiring good employees is the foundation of any successful business. But selecting the right ones is hard work, and the interview process is often the most important step in the process. Here's how to figure out if the candidate sitting across from you is likely to become your next Employee of the Month. Read More

The 7 Interview Questions You Must Ask

Avatar Posted by dobbie under Human Resources
From 6041 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 14, 2008 1:33 am
There are no magic bullets when it comes to job interview questions, but the way you structure your queries is important: It's the interviewer's job to create a framework for the discussion and prevent it from running off the rails. Every company's needs are different, but a good basic strategy is to ground the interview in questions about past Read More

Big trends in small business, part 2

Avatar Posted by suzyQ under Strategy
From 6043 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 11, 2008 1:15 am
Last week, Steve Strauss began his annual look at the top ten trends shaping small business. He wraps it up this week with a look at the Top 5. Be sure to check out trend number 1. Read More

A Price War in Health Insurance

Avatar Posted by JohnH under Employee Benefits
From 6046 days ago
Made Hot by: ureach on January 9, 2008 3:00 pm
Health insurance has always been pricey for small and midsize businesses. But after years of extracting hefty increases from smaller corporate customers, some insurers are showing more flexibility. Why? With the overall market for health insurance flat, carriers are battling to steal market share from one another. "There's a price war going on n Read More

15 Can't-Miss Ways to Declutter Your Mind

Avatar Posted by JohnH under Self-Development
From 6048 days ago
Made Hot by: administrator on January 7, 2008 6:20 pm
The world of stresses and worries and errands and projects and noise that we must all endure inflicts upon us a mind full of clutter and chaos. A mind that sometimes cannot find the calm that we so desperately seek. So how do we begin decluttering? It's actually not difficult, if you give it a little thought: simplifying shouldn't be made complica Read More

Entrepreneurial 'Therapy': Deals, Divorce, Downsizing

Avatar Posted by Becky under Self-Development
From 6067 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 28, 2007 12:13 am
Once a month, eight New York area entrepreneurs cancel all appointments, power down BlackBerrys and cellphones and gather in a cone of silence. For three hours, they unload the triumphs, and more often, stresses, not shared with spouses, friends or boards: a marriage on the rocks, the pain of firing a long-term employee, depression that's usurped Read More

Software License Fines Fall Hardest on the Smallest

Avatar Posted by ArmadaIG under Legal
From 6073 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 24, 2007 5:24 am
Most small and midsize businesses aren't even aware when they violate a software license, according to software industry sources, but that doesn't stop the fines from piling up. Nearly 90 percent of the fines collected annually by the Business Software Alliance for software license violations falls on small and midsize businesses, many of whom h Read More

Skills can be taught, personality is forever

Avatar Posted by jnelson under Human Resources
From 6069 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 18, 2007 8:36 am
Employers are putting an increasing focus on employee personality to ensure that they can work within the team framework, and have a better understanding of the job requirements. An excellent write up in the SeattlePI goes in detail on the subject, and is something that I have noticed that more and more clients are doing. They want people who can Read More

Company Parties for As Few As Two

Avatar Posted by Becky under Human Resources
From 6072 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 16, 2007 10:29 pm
Just as large corporations are throwing their huge holiday galas, complete with orchestras, lavish meals and elaborate decorations and presentations of special bonuses and gifts, your small or home-based business can have its own end-of-the-year celebration. Indeed, you might choose to scale down the band and the buffet (perhaps, eliminate them fr Read More

Reduce Your Stress This Holiday Season

Avatar Posted by Becky under Self-Development
From 6084 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 3, 2007 6:38 pm
In today's world of two-earner households, 1.87 children, and a myriad of obligations and scheduled activities, the average American's plate is already brimming with more than a fair share of time-draining responsibilities. An American Psychological Association (APA) 2007 poll shows that "one-third of Americans are living with extreme stress an Read More

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