Will Verizon's Open Source Innovation Succeed?

Avatar Posted by hamerhokie under Products and Services
From http://open-source-innovation.com 5966 days ago
Made Hot by: on March 28, 2008 8:53 pm
Can Verizon change its organizational character and become a model for open source innovation? Or will its internal character prevent it from making the necessary cultural changes? Read More

The Blurry Line of Amazon's new Fulfillment Web Service

Avatar Posted by Aaronontheweb under Products and Services
From http://tomstechblog.com 5966 days ago
Made Hot by: on March 27, 2008 8:02 pm
From the Page: "That pretty much says it all, Amazon is turning physical space into a web service and charging for it in the same way they charge for hard drive space now. Apparently the way this will work is that Amazon won't charge for the service but will instead charge for storage space and the transactions themselves.

This way companie Read More

Windows Live SkyDrive Exits Beta (i.e., free 5GB storage)

Avatar Posted by dobbie under Products and Services
From http://www.eweek.com 5996 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 26, 2008 7:10 am
Windows Live SkyDrive, Microsoft's free online file management and sharing service, offers 5GB of storage. Users get password-rotected "anywhere access" to their information, which can be shared with others. This anywhere, anytime access to files is key to Microsoft's Windows Live vision--the powerful integration between Web services and clien Read More

Google Apps can be a small firm's best friend

Avatar Posted by Aaronontheweb under Products and Services
From http://www.usatoday.com 6002 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 20, 2008 3:29 am
From the page: "When Ritu Raj opened Wag Hotel here as a luxury home-away-from-home for pampered dogs, he decided he would run the business on Google applications.

Employees check in dogs on touch-screen monitors, make appointments and use e-mail, all with Google Apps. The Web-based suite of tools — which includes corporate e-mail, calendar, w Read More

BizSugar Makes Business a Little Sweeter

Avatar Posted by JohnH under Products and Services
From http://www.betterforbusiness.com 6006 days ago
Made Hot by: TimJustus on February 15, 2008 11:09 pm
This is a wonderful review of bizSugar by Terra Andersen at BetterForBusiness.com. If you haven't had the chance yet, check out her site. She's got some great articles and often finds unique angles on business that aren't covered by other writers. Quote from review: "this concept was MUCH NEEDED in the business world. I am beyond happy that Read More

Basecamp: Project collaboration, management, and task software

Avatar Posted by ArmadaIG under Products and Services
From http://www.basecamphq.com 6148 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 6, 2007 8:47 pm
This is a great project collaboration service that we use. It's easy to use and it's free as along as you only work on one project at a time. I hop Read More
Ghost Writer Contracts 101. Are you ready to hire a ghostwriter? Here's what you need to know: What comes first? The contract of course. Here is a quick guide of what to watch for a in a ghostwriting contract. Establish your copyright. Pricing: How much will you be paying and when is each installme Read More

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