For the elite startups and entrepreneurs who manage to attract the investor they dream of, and survive the term sheet negotiation, there is still one more hurdle before the money is in the bank. This is the mysterious and dreaded due diligence process, which can kill the whole deal. In reality, it Read More
Most entrepreneur that fail are quick to offer a litany of constraints that caused their demise – not enough money, time, customers, or support from the right players. Ironically, as a startup investor and mentor, I have seen too many failures caused by just the opposite – too much money spent too Read More

How to Start a Charcuterie Board Business

Avatar Posted by HollyHanna under Startups
From 327 days ago
Made Hot by: marketingvalue on October 11, 2023 2:42 pm
If you have a passion for creating beautiful and delicious things, a charcuterie board business may be the right idea for you. Starting your own charcuterie board business doesn’t require a lot of culinary skills, and you can do most of the work from home. Read More
Angel investors and venture capitalists are looking for startups with real products and a proven business model, ready to scale. Yet I still get too many business plans that clearly are looking for money to do research and development (R&D) on a new and unproven technology. If you need funding for Read More
To ensure your success in the world of business, we have put together a list of four tried-and-true tips all young entrepreneurs should follow. Read More
A common challenge faced by every entrepreneur is that they don’t have the bandwidth, interest or skills to do everything that is required to build their startup. Of course, they can outsource part of the work or hire employees, but that approach means more time and money to manage the work, which Read More
As a business advisor, I meet many business professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs who are anxious to be their own boss, or have an innovative idea to start or acquire a new business. I have to tell each of you that starting and growing a new business is a long hard road, but can be very exciting Read More
Being an entrepreneur seems to be one of the most popular lifestyle aspirations these days. According to most definitions, anyone who starts a business is an entrepreneur, but most people don’t realize there are many startup types out there, and picking the wrong one can be just as disastrous as be Read More
Many first-time entrepreneurs find themselves unable to bootstrap their startups, and also unable to find early funding at the venture capital level or even with angel investors. Their only recourse is that first tier of investors, fondly called Friends, Family and Fools. These are the only people Read More
In the last few years I have seen a popular business model emerging which embodies a greater focus on social and environmental responsibility, and a new requirement for trust and sharing, as well as customer and community collaboration. Companies like Airbnb, Uber, Zappos, and Whole Foods are setti Read More

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