Are you a woman looking for business ideas? These 20 small business ideas for women provide lucrative pay and you don't have to leave your home to work. Read More
Not so long ago, training to meet the press and television reporters was a realm reserved for top business executives only. Now, even the earliest stage startup can rise to visibility or be forever lost by their first media spotlight, so it behooves us all to know the rules early. Most entrepreneur Read More
It’s time for more entrepreneurs to reset their focus, and shift their thinking to completely different ways of doing things. Everyone talks about innovation, but the majority of business plans I see still reflect linear thinking – one more social network with improved usability, one more wind-farm Read More
To be successful as an entrepreneur, you don’t have to be a fabulous person, but it helps. Some people, and some entrepreneurs, have that something extra that you can’t quite put your finger on, like Ryan Seacrest is searching for on American Idol. But the entrepreneurs that have it, including Elon Read More
Expanding your small business can be exciting for any entrepreneur. However, adding multiple locations means you can no longer be physically present in every spot to control the daily operations. And that can be a difficult thing for hands-on business owners who have largely overseen those operatio Read More
I see more and more entrepreneurs who seem to have everything going for them – vision, motivation, passion, even a good business plan, product, and money, and yet they can’t close customers. Maybe it’s time to look harder at the mantra of a new breed of gurus and successful entrepreneurs, including Read More
It’s time to take the drudgery and dread out of work at your business. You don’t like it, millennials won’t put up with it, and current productivity levels at work continue to decline. Only 32 percent of American workers are even engaged at work today. Most workers are still rushing to retirement, Read More
Entrepreneurs need many different skills to be successful. They also need to continuously upgrade their skills to remain successful. Read More
Great news for any small business looking to get ahead: Salesforce Research has just released the Third Edition Small & Medium Business Trends Report, sharing data and observations from more than 2,000 small and medium business (SMB) owners and leaders from around the world. The research report dig Read More
After a frustrating meeting with a small business client recently who didn’t “have time” for social media, I was surprised to find evidence on the Internet that up to one quarter of small business owners are still hesitant to invest time, money, and effort into a social media strategy.
They don’t Read More

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