Business Name Blues: Part 1, Choosing a name

Avatar Posted by mattr under Startups
From 5842 days ago
Made Hot by: on September 25, 2008 4:17 pm
Business Name Blues is a 3-part series in which I talk about the experiences I had in naming my business and give tips based on lessons I've learned in the process. Part 1 will explore choosing the business name. Part 2 looks into the online aspect of business naming. Part 3 closes with the legal and tax steps necessary to ensure your business nam Read More

Top 5 Reasons Why I Probably Shouldn't Start a Computer Repair Business

Avatar Posted by mattr under Startups
From 5841 days ago
Made Hot by: on September 24, 2008 8:31 pm
Being the kind of person that likes to see things from all angles, I decided to take the opposite view and look at some reasons why starting a computer business may not be such a good idea for me. Read More

Ten-Point Manifesto on How to Work Better

Avatar Posted by luckycharmer under Self-Development
From 5842 days ago
Made Hot by: on September 24, 2008 8:31 pm
While we're not much for motivational posters or trite slogans, this ten-point manifesto by Swiss artists Peter Fischli and David Weiss on how to work better is worth a mention. Artist Ryan Gander has a photocopy hung on the wall of his studio, and writes: Read More

Eight Fringe Benefits to Offer Your Employees

Avatar Posted by luckycharmer under Employee Benefits
From 5842 days ago
Made Hot by: on September 24, 2008 8:31 pm
Some fringe benefits--such as paid parking, retirement accounts or paid vacation--are considered standard in today's work environment. And there are others, like the availability of the company jet, that seem like they only belong in the movies. When you want to offer extra incentives or benefits to your employees, consider the following: Read More

Survey Shows McCain Lead, Good News For Obama

Avatar Posted by BizBox under News
From 5841 days ago
Made Hot by: on September 24, 2008 7:46 pm
Slate's BizBox takes a closer look at a SurePayroll survey that gave John McCain a 64% win among small business owners and finds some good news...for Obama. Read More

Snail Mail Is Going Digital, a Boon for Businesses

Avatar Posted by bradjennings under Products and Services
From 5842 days ago
Made Hot by: on September 24, 2008 6:45 pm
The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is going digital on bulk mail service. Unique scannable bar codes will start to show up in May 2009 on business- and first-class mail and packages. The codes should speed up processing of that mail and will allow businesses as well as post offices to track the movement and delivery of each piece sent. Read More


Avatar Posted by Empica under Self-Development
From 5842 days ago
Made Hot by: on September 23, 2008 10:02 pm
Guy Kingston, successful entrepreneur and podcast presenter, discusses some sides to business life that can only be learnt through experience Read More

Statistics Shmatistics | Your Friendly Neighborhood Computer Guy

Avatar Posted by mattr under Startups
From 5843 days ago
Made Hot by: on September 23, 2008 10:00 pm
This article takes a look at the conflicting statistics for small business failure rates. Read More

Sales: How Long Do I Wait To Follow-up?

Avatar Posted by ILuvMktg under Sales
From 5845 days ago
Made Hot by: on September 22, 2008 6:59 pm
Once you have established contact, submitted a proposal and a quote for a possible project, how do you follow up to ensure that you close the deal? Also, how much time should you allow between sending the proposal and following up regarding progress on the deal? Read More

New ideas for running a restaurant

Avatar Posted by louienews under Marketing
From 5846 days ago
Made Hot by: on September 22, 2008 6:59 pm
People don't want to get in their car and drive to a restaurant that now costs more. Despite the long odds, however, many entrepreneurs are thriving by rewriting the standard “program” for how to run a restaurant. Read More

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