How good is your small business’s customer service? Don’t answer right away—take some time to think about it. What you think is stellar service may not be living up to your customers’ expectations. Or what started out as great service when your business began may have fallen off a bit as you’ve gro Read More
Finding new customers is great, but keeping old ones and turning those new customers into loyal buyers is even more important. Customer retention is the name of the game and the better yours is, the more profitable your brand will be. How so? Check out these stats. Read More
It’s easy to turn super fans of your brand into customer advocates, but it’s a much more difficult task when it comes to winning over the critical and disgruntled. In order to smooth over such a situation (especially when it starts to spill into the social realm), there are four steps you should ta Read More
Will Newman shares the importance of a strong guarantee and how it will increase credibility, cement your prospect’s trust, and increase sales. Read More
The other day we took our car to the dealership to be serviced. That alone should make you cringe right?

From the moment we got there we were greeted by a nice young man who couldn’t be more helpful.

When we told him the issues with the car he wrote them all down so they could be addressed. Read More
A new customer-to-customer reality means brands can transition customers from brand advocacy to brand action, resulting in more focused participation. Read More
If you're a solo computer consultant like me, you may often find yourself face-to-face with clients in their personal office or home. Here are some things you'll want to make sure you do to make the experience a good one for both you and your customer. Read More
Customer service is a concern of every hotel, being able to keep guests satisfied and happy is essential to any business. Guests have a lot of needs to be met, and it can be difficult to make sure every guest is taken care of properly. But where do mobile apps fit into customer service?

To truly Read More
Every brand hates to see a subscriber go, but few make the effort to win back potential unsubscribers before they click that dreaded button for the final time. Most requests to unsubscribe are just met with a dull, lifeless “Are you sure?” prompt before the request goes through. Not only is this bo Read More
Customer service is a phrase that gets bandied about no end these days. Unfortunately many large companies, who spend enormous amounts on advertising, let themselves (and their customers down) with poor customer service. Small and medium sized enterprises may not have the staff to spend the time loo Read More

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