The aim of redesigning a website is for designers to spruce up their website but without affecting their search engine position. Having a website with seo in mind is important. Redesigning a website has its benefits because it can make the poor work that was done first of all look appealing however Read More
Effectively approaching a potential customer can be an artform in itself. This blog covers some basic tips on how to do this successfully. Read More
Social media has evolved into a natural extension of the customer service process. Now, instead of turning to contact forms or phone numbers, frustrated customers are quick to write a tweet or Facebook wall post to voice their problems. Although this can be easier and more convenient for customers, Read More
This is the second in a series of articles about keeping your customers satisfied including some tips to ensure your business is on track to over-deliver. Read More
Shonali Burke takes an in-depth look at a CRM tool for small business called Streak. Obviously, a tool to track relationships with customers is paramount. This one is interesting because it easily integrates with free tools like Gmail and Google Apps. Read More
Studies have shown that it’s more expensive to acquire a new customer than to keep a current customer. Of course, in order to keep those current customers, brands have to make sure that they’re satisfied and willing to come back again and again. The easiest way to do this is to gather feedback from Read More
70% of businesses have failing CRMs. Take a look at some of the key factors behind CRM failings and find out how to avoid being part of this statistic.
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Apple does. Maybe it would benefit you as well? So how do you build loyalty and what do you gain from doing so? Read More
Ever had to call up a customer service line?  It’s almost nightmare-ish. What’s the usual procedure: Wait for the automated operator to inform you that their options have change, Sift through 5-9 menu options that don’t apply to you or your concern Hit 0 (a few times) to get a live person on the ph Read More
No brand wants to see an email subscriber go, but it’s important that the process is made as simple as possible. Why? Because more and more email services are taking the task of unsubscribing out of the recipient’s hands. Rather than give the power to email services to classify messaging as Junk or Read More

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