Optimize your restaurant website to attract online foodies and engage them online for better chances of making them your restaurant regulars! Read More
Last week a member of our staff ordered a small display banner from an online printer. He reported that ordering the banner was a snap. But as soon as he went to the shopping cart to pay for his order, he reports that “all hell broke loose.”
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Salesforce for QuickBooks is a powerful cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) program used by many sales oriented businesses. It has many bells and whistles and is a terrific CRM and combined with QuickBooks it also seamlessly handles invoicing and billing. However, for some small busi Read More
The situation above may be remedied by the application of a good backup system that stores digital data that you deem important as far as your personal and business life is concerned. A strategy that allows you to have access to you data at multiple locations is very good. Read More
Just passed out from the college? What about starting your own business? What you need to consider for that- finances and logistics. These are the factors that you need to take into account making out an honest assessment of your resources. Read More
Complaint handling defines a small business. Here are my 8 Ways to Deftly Handle Customer Complaints Read More
It’s a known FACT that Customer Service is the #1 longevity tool to keeping your business profitable. The point of a business is to create customers, that will create more customers. Your goal is to keep your customers HAPPY Read More
There is one secret weapon that quite a few businesses miss out on: the customer testimonial. Here are some ways that you can get testimonials from your customers, and also some ways you can use them. Read More
Referrals are one way that a small business finds new clients, but referrals can sometimes be difficult to come by. With a little creativity, you can inspire your current clients to bring you new business on a regular basis.

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According to Gallup's 2012 confidence survey, published in July, only 21 percent of Americans are confident in their financial institutions. The banking industry had the third lowest rating. Read More

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