Your impulse to immediately placate unhappy customers is understandable. But it may actually be a missed opportunity. Read More
Too many solo small business owners see client privacy as a hindrance. Small business owners should view client privacy as a way to connect with their customers. Here are 3 ways you can incorporate client privacy into your solo small business. Read More
Identifying your brand's core values goes a long way to delivering unforgettable customer service. Micah Solomon guest posts. Read More
When we are faced with unhappy customers, our natural, gut reaction may be to rush in and make things better or defend our stance… and our name. But in both scenarios, we can easily let a valuable opportunity go by. Read More
Living in Arizona has its benefits - only 3 hot months each year, but aside from that the weather is ideal. Recently, we redid our backyard so we can g... Read More
There have been many stories over the years about companies that have won customers’ loyalty by pleasing their children. You can read one recent story on the blog. Read More
It's important to understand what customers think about your business. Surveys are one of the easiest ways to get that information. Here are some tips on conducting better customer surveys. Read More
Argentina's Tarjeta Naranja is popular because it works hard to build its social network, and places emphasis on great customer service. How many Canadian and American credit card issuers can say the same thing? Not many. Read More
What can small business owners learn about customer service from my poor experience at Olive Garden on Father's Day. Read More
For CRM software to help you with customer service, you need to make sure you choose the right tool and use it to its full potential. Read More

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