Accounting. Marketing. Law. What do each of these sectors have in common? Although they come from all ends of the business world, each one works for a client. In business, the client relationship is vitally important. Make sure you don't blow it by saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Read More
Have you heard about Kathie Lee's (most recent) embarrassing moment? Some people are eternally train wrecks. Check it out here and see what we can learn from her mistakes. Read More
I just finished reading The Welcomer Edge by Richard Shapiro, and I got a lot out of it about customer service. We’ve all come to expect our experiences with call center reps, cashiers and customer service agents to be bad, based on the fact that many of them are. But think back to one or more time Read More
Fearing the word no in business can actually mean stunted growth and fewer opportunities. Sometimes, it is actually ok to tell your customers no. In fact, some of the biggest brands are doing it already. Read more to see who. Read More
If you operate a call center, you already know that it can cost $3,000 or more to train each of your phone representatives. Turnover can be exceptionally high if you are hiring members of Generation Y – young adults between the ages of about 18 and 28. Read More
Customer engagement is a very different matter online than it is offline. Customer engagement offline has been defined as “turning on a prospect to a Read More
At times, you will need to deal with angry customers. In this post we will be discussing some effective strategies on how to deal with unhappy customers. Read More
Have you ever had a client you wished you could fire? While many busines owners feel that any client is a valuable client, there can be times where it's better for your business to part ways. Here are some signs that it might be time for you to consider firing your client. Read More
Alyssa tells us what one thing you need to do in order to develop trust in your small business relationships. Read More
One of the keys to staying sane as a small business owner is developing a system to manage customers and communication efforts. This is especially true if you do not have a large marketing and customer service staff. Fortunately Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems were developed to help Read More

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