It is obvious for any businessmen to have a keen interest in increasing profit margin of his business. For this purpose, the owner along the other partners (if any) joins their heads to come up with any different profit ideas. The management can adopt certain profit ideas, used previously by the fi Read More
This article explains how a CRM solution can be used to raise the bar with customer service. In today's market where competition has never been fiercer, one of the means of gaining market share is by differentiation, and great customer service is one good way of adding value to your product or serv Read More
Not sure what a loyalty program is and how it can help your business? Quite simply, it is a process of offering customers incentives and rewards for continuing to shop at your store. Let’s take a look at some great ideas for customer rewards programs that you can use to retain shoppers. Read More
Now more than ever, it is crucial to make sure your customers are satisfied with your store and service. Online customer surveys are a great way to gauge consumers’ attitude toward your store. Lets look at five ways to ensure you get the most from your customer satisfaction surveys. Read More
In today’s world of inflation and hiking prices, it is virtually impossible to think of a good service, provided for free. However, the rule doesn’t apply to internet security programs, which are now available free of cost with no less quality standards. Almost all companies (like Avast, Norton, Av Read More
Providing great customer service is now an effortless way to differentiate your business and brand over the vastly growing competition. Some tips inside. Read More
Great customer service leads to higher sales. By providing basic human touch to your customer service small business owners can grow their business significantly. Read More
Okay, it’s not a normal Monday morning and while I’ve slept on my frustration, I can tell you that I am totally pissed off at two of the countries leading telecommunications companies – Rogers and Primus.

But let me explain – calmly. Rationally. In moderated tones rather than the screaming that Read More
An interesting update from Namecheap fan page containing a customer support transcript, showing how far a support rep would go to make a customer happy. Cool! Read More
Every entrepreneur uses a great variety of methods to attract clients. However, some entrepreneurs stop paying the necessary attention to their clients after they purchase a product or service from them. Read More

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