Companies should understand several things that they can do to make the services better in order to improve customer satisfaction. Improving the voice talent of the services is one of the simplest yet most dramatic changes that can occur within an IVR system. Read More
Sending inconsistent messages to customers through your actions can harm small business owners greatly. To provide consistent message all departments within your business have to work in harmony like well-oiled machine. The proven techniques described here can help you build customer loyalty and im Read More
When you need a car at an airport, Ace Rent a Car might not be the first car rental company that comes to mind. But it might be soon, because Ace just dethroned mighty Enterprise and won the #1 customer satisfaction spot in a J.D. Power customer satisfaction survey.
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In the last decade or so, we have seen the demise of many companies as a result of shady deals or financial scandals. Companies like Enron, Fannie May, Arthur Anderson, and tons of others, as consumers lost trust in these organizations and what they were saying.
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If your business relies on call center to operate and want to bring yours to the cloud, you might want to consider call center software solutions from Telax. Read More
Sending inconsistent signals to customers through your actions can harm your business greatly. All the departments have to work in harmony to ensure that customers do not receive the same treatment they have come to expect by doing business with you over time. Read More
Managing customer relationships is more important than ever due to the expanding global marketplace. Learn to foster loyalty for your small business. Read More
I’ve written before about how important it can be to segment your marketing to reach different niches. If your mix of customers includes distinct groups — perhaps retirees, young couples with children — you can sell more with marketing campaigns that target each of those groups.
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Small businesses need to focus on creating a great customer experience, as customer reviews are the best natural way to promote your small business. Read More
Of course you want to do all you can to keep your customers and clients happy. But if you do, can you really expect payback in dollars and cents? There are some interesting answers to that question in “6 Companies where Customers Come First,” a slideshow on
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