It may seem like a no-brainer but your departments have to coordinate their efforts if you're going to participate in social media successfully. This process is referred to as unified communications. It's a set of products combining the real-time communication services within your organization, inc Read More
Feedback from your customers, whether it's positive or negative, can improve your small business. Here are 4 ways to keep the lines of communication open. Read More
Sabrina shares her top three tips for keeping a warm and professional client relationship on the Small Business Bonfire. Read More
“I hate the words `I can’t!’” a friend said to me recently. Actually, she was kind of yelling, but she was right to be ticked. A few hours earlier, she had called an online retailer to ask whether she could return a coffee machine. Read More
Griffin Hospital earns customer loyalty, and accolades, by creating customer experiences. Griffin Hospital's efforts to understand the lives of patients and Read More
Groupon isn’t a free path to riches and new customers. It is a great way to get new faces in the door or on the phone – but monetizing that relationship – getting more from it than the value of the Groupon – is up to you and your planning. Read More
Customer loyalty programs can either make or break you. As a business owner, it is on you to ensure your business succeeds. Your business depends on your customers. Make sure you’re treating them right with this great idea! Read More
Good services to customers are what will distinguish you from other competitors in your industry. Keeping customers for life means building a relationship with them; and by a relationship, it means a long-term one, for that matter. Read More
What is one of the most important critical success factors for a small business? To me, the answer is customer support. How to improve yours? Read More
Growing up on a family farm wasn’t glamorous, but it did teach me a lot of valuable lessons.

Today, I’m the founder and CEO of Intertech, a technology consulting business. Here’s how my “home grown” wisdom is put to use every day in running my own small business. Read More

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