It is extremely important to know what your customers think so that you can meet their needs. Here are some tips to help you understand your customers better. Read More
Customer service has been around for a long time and traditionally we associate customer service with the overwhelming hassle of having to deal with call centers, but not anymore. Companies are realizing how effective customer service can be when implemented online. However, implementing a web cust Read More
You’re ready to throw your hands up in the air and call it a day… we’ve all been there. Whether it be a client, a customer, a vendor, or a colleague, it’s hard to ignore frustrations that occur in business. Read More
As a customer, what separates the great experiences from the good experience when dealing with small businesses? Here are a few tips for small business owners to separate themselves from the pack and provide their customers with the best possible experience. Read More
This year's American Express Global Customer Service Barometer study found that happy customers tell an average of nine other people about good customer service experiences. But displeased customers tell an average of 16.
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Audience is king. You cannot design a product or service without audience participation. And, how do you connect with audiences? Quite simple: design a survey. There are a plethora of survey tools out there. This week, we will review SurveyTool, which claims to be different from competition. We wil Read More
With the increasing use and ease of technology, it seems to have taken away our ability for patience and civility. The “give me” generation has... Read More
We have mentioned several applications for the hotel and hospitality industry including some to help you find a last minute room and some to give you’re a full service tour of your destination. Applications are starting to take away the spotlight from traditional websites as our go to choice for in Read More
Why don’t they sell sushi on the airplane? Flying home from Chicago, at dinner time, the only thing they could offer me was a snackbox of raisins and cheese.

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Attracting customers, retaining them, building customer loyalty and brand image are important goals for every business no matter how big or small. For a small business achieving these goals is a little more challenging simply because it does not have the financial resources that a big business has Read More

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