Technology, schmecknology. Half of the fun of attending a tech event is discovering the swag that vendors hand out on the exhibit floor. T-shirts? Pens? That’s so old school. Here's what companies are giving away on the trade show floor to top corporate executives.
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A subscriber writes in to ask…

“Would you say it’s better to write a really short email with a link to my blog (to read the rest of the message), or to just put the whole thing in the email itself?” Read More
Here’s a great quote I came across on Twitter.

“Stay committed to your goals but be flexible with your methods.” - Author unknown. Read More
Blogging is not just about creating content, its about how you can leverage on current trends to engage with your audience. These four Digital Marketing trends will help you blog better. Read More
Working too hard can be fatal. For example...

A week or two ago a Dunkin Donuts employee was found dead in her car. Read More
Here’s why you should never trust the banks (or anyone for that matter)…

Recently I’ve experienced two instances of having money incorrectly taken out our bank account. Read More
QR Codes have been around for years, but some companies still don’t understand the benefits they can reap from utilizing them. The service industry is one industry in particular that can experience success from using this tiny tool. Here are three ways that the service industry should be using QR c Read More
I'm no expert in email marketing, but having been a blogger for so long -- it has taught me some invaluable lessons and skills, especially when it comes to working with people closely, asking them for favors and, in general, trying to be a good associate; no matter how large... Read More
There is method to captivate your audience whether you speak to it or write for it. Here are some great tips that will teach you how to do just that. Read More
Early 2008 I was getting my entrepreneurial journey started. I had experience with Dreamweaver and could dabble with websites (I did it as a hobby) so I decided to start by offering that as a service. Read More

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