If you are a fisherman--you are in the riskiest business in the US. If you are a logger--you are in the second most risky business. If you are an airplane pilot--your job is the third most risky business. There were 4,693 fatal occupational injuries in 2011, said the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2012 Read More
Great download from Andrew Steven on the power of SMS marketing for small businesses. If you have not considered trying SMS, take 3 minutes and educate yourself on this powerful marketing tactic. Read More
In case you weren't sure, yesterday Google's Matt Cutts gave us proof that Even Google Doesn't Understand SEO. So is SEO Dead? No. It's just become Influence-y. Read More
One of the great Led Zeppelin songs from way back in 1969, was a song titled Dazed & Confused. I guess you could say it was a song inspired about a guy who was obsessed with a particular women he knew. Read More
You're probably wondering what the hell I am talking about... Let me explain: Back in the 70's and 80's there was a famous advertisement on Australian TV for a non-alcoholic, non-carbonated beverage. Read More
There's been a great deal of talk around privacy issues of late, as well there should be. Even so, most marketers are missing an essential point in that discussion. Many of the complaints from consumers have less to do with privacy than they do with tact and respect. Here is how that works... Read More
Over the weekend I happened to watch both of the Wall St movies. The original and the sequel that came out a few years ago. I had already seen them both before, but still I was fascinated how ruthless Gordon Gekko was. Read More
At home I have a small fish tank with three fish inside. One black fish, one orange fish, and the other one is a mixture of red and white. Read More
Gathering Customer Information can be very effective for businesses to improve their marketing efforts. While there are many strategies, which one works for a specific business is essential for all marketers. Read More
Are you so into computer networking that you have forgotten that old-fashioned, tried and true offline marketing? Yes, you remember--going out into the community and sharing information about your product or service. Direct sales has been successful since antiquity. Read More

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