250 split tests worth of knowledge in one article...Amazing copy tweaks for your online copy that you can implement immediately for conversion boost. Read More
When you market with a desperate need for money, it doesn’t feel good to you or your prospective clients. Here's a different strategy to attract new clients. Read More
Often when we start to get our hands on traffic for our website or blog, then mostly we face a negative reaction from search engines. Getting targeted traffic from Search Engines in not an easy job. As you know that traffic works like fuel for all online websites or blogs and it is very
important Read More
"I know most businesses understand that blogging can be very helpful, but they are not sure what they should be blogging about.
I would also consider making a rule for your writing staff that there will be no blog posts published that do not have a defined purpose..." Read More
Getting the phone to ring regularly is the goal. Making that happen can be tough because we tend to make simple mistakes that sabotage our efforts. Read More
Semi-trucks crisscross the country constantly. There is hardly a road you don’t see them on. So, why not use all that mobile space for advertisements? Read More
When you are selling intellectual property, you have to work hard to make the product tangible to your prospect. In this post, I explain my strategy for selling my speaking services. Read More
In the midst of the holiday shuffle and shopping, gift-giving and re-gifting, we may find ourselves getting caught up in the holiday spirit of consumerism.  And between preparing for the next business year and hosting loved ones at our homes, we might forget to send a little holiday cheer to those Read More
As the name suggests, they write copy or prepare content to do one thing: get an immediate response from the person reading, watching or listening. Direct response copywriters understand the psychology of a person who is in purchase mode and how to influence them to buy NOW. Read More
You may have heard that Facebook decided to celebrate the day for taking chances, ignoring risks and leaping head-first into new opportunities by announcing that brand pages will now have the option to switch their visual format to Timeline... Read More

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