When we have a discussion regarding office, it always revolves around how bad our Manager is! It is not about calibre any more. To get on the top management, you need not have managerial skills but the ass licking skills do wonders. You will see all the wrong managers at the right places and all the Read More
Job search is a process that every person goes through atleast once in their lifetime. In most cases the job seeker comes out either happy or unsatisfied. But have you ever seen anyone coming out looking terrified. Job search some times becomes very annoying and for some even worse. Read More
Does the thought of appearing for an interview scare you? Whether it is your first job interview or the last interview, you are constantly gripped with the fear of rejection or not performing well which has become a natural tendency for many interviewees. Interviews without any doubt have become an Read More
In today’s competitive market, recruiters pay more importance to work experience than on degrees when they hire people for their organizations. Studies reveal that, real life exposure to work has more impact on their job role than a degree or training undergone. Read More
The ideology of working from home has spread up across the world, which has given a new dimension of running an organization or any business at ease of the employees. According to a recent study, working from home does not only benefit employees but also increases the productivity, and also it save Read More
An applicant applies for a job in various companies simultaneously. There are situations when he has to choose between the various options available or he has to leave the job because of certain other reasons like the other job is more attractive or his health issues are not allowing him to do the Read More
Trying to get a job and clearing an interview process is not easy as it seems. Nowadays, the interview process has been so difficult that getting oneself selected for a job is something like achieving something great in life Read More
Nowadays, during interview process all the employers go through some of the emotional intelligence related questions which are beneficial to determine the emotional aspects of the employees or the candidates. Most importantly these types of emotional intelligence related questions are presented Read More
If you’re a small business owner researching the different retirement plans available for your company, you might be a little discouraged by what’s on the table.

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It can be a scarring experience to go back to college but students should remember that it’s a worthwhile experience too. The true fact is that there are a number of talented individuals who have not been to college or have dropped out for some reason. Education and skills are aspects which employe Read More

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