Want to know how the stock market affects everyone, including small business owners like you? Economist Mike Donnelly says "You could have placed your 401k in a passbook savings account and done better [over the past 10.5 years]." Read More
Franchise companies, facing what many say is the toughest economic environment they've seen, are offering two-for-one deals, reduced fees and financing help to woo new buyers. They are also paying existing franchisees to help spread the word. Read More
Michael Arrington of TechCrunch called "bullshit" on a couple of venture capitalists at the TechCrunch50 conference. Was he right to do so? Slate's BizBox says: not really. Read More
Ever increasing gasoline prices, food costs soaring, struggling financial markets. The economic news just hasn't been good, and there's no indication that things are going to get better any time soon. But, do tough economic times spell only gloom and doom? Are there opportunities to be had even in the darkest days of a recession? Read More
Our children probably won't need to have any computer skills. Of course THIS franchise company disagrees... Read More
Mrs. Fields, a rather large mall based franchise company, is filing for bankruptcy. This can't be good.... Read More
“Knowing your numbers is a fundamental component in the franchise sales equation but having a well defined franchise sales process in place to apply those numbers is essential to a successful franchise sales effort and to healthy franchise development” says Franchisor Coach Franchise Sales Direc... Read More
Is your business really ready to franchise??? Read More
Rush Nigut, an Iowa franchise attorney, disagrees with a popular franchise industry blogger on whether one should WORK in a franchise before buying it... Read More
One of the questions I'm asked most often is, "Where do I get money to start my business?" These questions often come with tidbits of other information like reports of bad credit, former bankruptcies, or empty wallets. The truth is it's difficult to find startup funding. Heck, these days it's hard for established, successful business owners t Read More

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