Unemployment is at a record high and many executives are finding themselves without a job. One alternative is to become a business owner through franchising. Read More
The current economy means money is tight and it's more difficult than ever to get money from banks for funding a small business. But you CAN still get financing to buy a franchise. Jeff Elgin provides some tips on finding the money you need. Read More
Learn from industry insider, Joel Libava. He recently wrote a revealing eBook... Read More
When choosing a franchise to invest in, how important is the brand to you? Read More
Nothing stays the same forever. the stock market won't either. get into a business of your own...just be careful. Joel Libava, Cleveland area Franchise consultant, blogger, and marketer explains. Read More
Franchise companies, facing what many say is the toughest economic environment they've seen, are offering two-for-one deals, reduced fees and financing help to woo new buyers. They are also paying existing franchisees to help spread the word. Read More
Our children probably won't need to have any computer skills. Of course THIS franchise company disagrees... Read More
Mrs. Fields, a rather large mall based franchise company, is filing for bankruptcy. This can't be good.... Read More

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