Your employees are a key asset in keeping your business running smoothly, but they’re not an insignificant business expense. Here are few strategies for controlling your payroll costs without shortchanging your staff, limiting your growth potential, or jeopardizing customer service. Read More
You click the SAVE button with a satisfied smile on your face as you’ve got your resume makeover. You structured the perfect bullet points, the resume is just a little more than a page, and its new design is more than awesome (thanks to the few dozen resumes you reviewed to get inspiration). Read More
Should you hire, invest in equipment, or hold off on new investments? There is a lot to be said for either option. Here's some much needed perspective on the choice to hold off on new hires (until the time is right, that is). Read More
Are you a businessman or an entrepreneur? Have you ever wondered what's the difference between the two? Check out the 10 differences between a business owner and an entrepreneur. Read More
I’ll admit it. I just love anything that’s free, especially a free staffing agency. The other day a prospect asked me if our direct hire services were free. Of course I said no. But then I thought about the benefits of everything we provide as a Cape Cod staffing agency as being free.

Chance Read More
Looking for employee engagement ideas? Whether you'e trying to engage a new employee or engage your existing team, here are some great ideas to help you out. Read More
The art of Contract Negotiation can be daunting, stressful and at times complicated. How to make sure you are getting the best outcome for yourself Read More
Decision-making is a tough endeavor for any leader. Some decisions are easy and lend themselves to the use of problem solving and fact finding. Others leave us pondering the unknown... Read More
Anyone in charge of his or her own business who is not familiar with the term ‘slow hire, quick fire’ needs to let it sink in right away. On the surface it seems rather self-explanatory and just good common sense, but internalizing the mechanisms behind why this practice is so fundamentally importa Read More
Whether you hire employees, contractors, or 'other' help, you're engaged in Influency Management. Want to create Business Change? 'Help Influency' matters. Read More

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