There are some things I cannot overlook when reviewing a candidate's resume. When hiring an employee, if one of these items come up, it's a deal breaker. What are some of your resume pet peeves? Read More
Tension between staff members can interfere with getting work done. It can be an unnecessary distraction, or worse, if the staff members are supposed to work on a project together and are unable to do so. Read More
Many executives like to imagine that everything in the department is so streamlined that the business can continue indefinitely when the boss isn’t there. Most of us live in the real world, in which the staff realizes how much knowledge is stored in your head and nowhere else. Here’s the informatio Read More
Are you able to effectively communicate your message and gain the cooperation and agreement of those people who are necessary to your plans?

If you cannot communicate your message effectively, then you are more likely to lose.
If you can communicate your message effectively, then you are more l Read More
A handful of private sector organizations whose work highlights how the U.S. is advancing its commitment to this mission were asked by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to participate in the Equal Futures Partnership. Read More
"When off-shoring came in vogue, people tended to call it 'globalization.' And indeed it looked like globalization in that it spread work and workers all over the globe. But in hindsight we can clearly see that it wasn’t globalization as much as it was the Big Bang of Business Sprawl." This article Read More
Are you thinking about outsourcing some of your small business’ HR functions? Need some information to help guide you through the process?

Last week, we introduced the topic of outsourcing Human Resources functions in small business. This week, we’ll be going over the positives and negatives o Read More
Marrisa Mayer raised many eye brows when she banned working from home for Yahoo employees worldwide. Read More
In an ideal world, your workplace would run as a cohesive well-oiled machine with moving parts that fit perfectly together, generating maximum productivity and operating efficiency. Everyone would get along well, always be on the same page and completely support each others' needs. Your work would Read More

Communication skills are very important for all managers and leaders

Communication skills for managers and leaders consist mainly of six subset skills:

1. The ability to set out the goals.
2. The ability to communicate the plan.
3. The ability to delegate.
4. The ability to give correcti Read More

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