The U.S. Postal Service’s endless battle with red ink has been an ongoing story year after year, as decreased demand and increasing labor costs have outstripped even Congressional bailouts. This year the service saw record losses Read More
We need to pay attention to know and understand our employees. Furthermore, we have to make consistent actions based on what we have known and understood from them. Here are 18 things your employees want from you. Read More
There are some factors you should take into consideration to keep your employees happy during this economic downturn. Here they are... Read More
This article looks at how CRM software can be used to manage your Personnel maximise HR efficiency. CRM is implemented to increase efficiency throughout an organisation but quite often ignores that most important of stakeholder groups, the employee. Read More
A lot of students take up work placements over the summer, this is great for post university job success, but what benefits can a student take from these placements when returning to University? Read More
Things got heated in many American offices this year, thanks to the presidential elections.It made many managers wonder if they should curb political talk at work. Read More
There are more similarities between small, medium and large businesses than many business people sometimes realize. Businesses share accountability issues, production challenges, research and development stress, sales and marketing trend changes, customer relations programs and employment concerns. Read More
You are moving onward and upward, and leaving your place of employment. So how can you leave your job in a classy way? Read More
Let’s suppose you are doing great at your current place of employment, but you decide to look for another job and get an even better job offer from another company. Read More
There are many possible answers to this question. One of the most common ones, however, is when a manager sends an email or leaves a voicemail with an employee requesting to meet with him. And, the longer the employee needs to wait to meet with his manager, the more anxious he becomes throughout th Read More

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