The disruptions caused by social distancing and work at home orders are particularly an issue with software QA testing, if only because the test environments aren’t always very portable. In addition, the culture clash presented by at-home testing can be difficult to rectify. But until the coronavi Read More
Growth in business is a vital target that every business owner wishes to achieve. The key to helping grow your business lies in the fact that your employees are content and motivated, which eventually drives them to be more productive. High productivity can lead to greater corporate profits and imp Read More
More than a third or 39% of baby boomers say they plan to leave their job within the next six months. The number is exactly at a third or 33% for millennials.
The data comes from the Olivet 2020 Employee Survey, which looked to find out just how these two demographics feel about each other. And of Read More
AI or Artificial Intelligence is the development and theory of computer systems able to conduct tasks normally utilizing human intelligence, like speech recognition, visual perception, language translation, decision making, and more.

In recruitment, AI applies to various fields of problem-solvin Read More
With a CRM system, you can build and maintain strong relationships with job seekers while efficiently managing the recruitment process. If you want to know what exactly CRM is and how it can benefit your recruiting process, continue reading this post. Read More
EAP programs can help employees through rough patches. Read this post to learn more about EAP programs and gain access to free EAP templates! Read More
Performance management is a process of managing or reviewing an employee’s performance based on a few pre-decided factors. Regular engagement and rewarding help in better employee management. Rewarding i.e. hard-work recognition of employees can be anything, depending on companies. Read More
The world of entrepreneurship is an exciting and dynamic one that involves quick thinking and determination. Competition is high, oversaturation of the market is common, and ample funding is necessary. In truth, we’re all just trying to make it. Read More
Considering hiring a great freelance content writer for your business? There are key questions you need to answer. >> Learn more.
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Do you know you can save money with eco-friendly appliances? If you save on the energy bills, you save money. Here’s a list of daily use appliances that you can replace with their eco-friendly options at your home.

More on the blog. Read More

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