Starting and running a business is no easy task. You’ll need enough capital investment, a conducive workplace, and manpower to grow. After covering the first two, you’ll need to focus on your workforce, since the people who will be working for your company are going to be instrumental in making pro Read More
Recruiters are the ones on whom the half of the future of the participant is dependent. So, one must be very careful regarding the words to be used by the individuals. What to say and what not to say is up to the person and also highly depends on the recruiters and the company itself. What things a Read More
This question depends upon the situation. Whatever the situation demands, one has to move accordingly. It also depends upon the salary you possess currently. If the salary you feel is less than the position you will get ahead or you had already been at, then it completely depends upon you, whether Read More
This list of 5 best HR eBooks published in September 2018 will get you up to date with the latest trends and insights in Human Resources. If you’re an HR professional looking for a stimulating read, these eBooks are your perfect choice.

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CEFR is a globally accepted framework of excellence which provides a deeper analysis of candidate’s lingual abilities for a better informed hiring decision. Read on to know more: Read More
Every business needs to understand and follow Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Failure to do so can put you in hot water with Dept of Labor. Read More
Employee handbook is the most important document of every company. It defines your company’s key policies and procedures and outlines your company culture. In this blog post, you will learn why you should have an employee handbook and how to write an effective employee handbook your employees will Read More
It's possible to reduce your turnover, increase employee satisfaction, and run a smarter, more effective team at your restaurant. Learn how. Read More
America has more than 30 million small businesses with fewer than 500 employees apiece. These companies pay almost half the wages in the country and are huge engines for job creation. For too many of them, however, cybersecurity isn’t a pressing priority. Read More
Want to avoid the hassle of performing recruitment or selection process by yourself? Well, then hire the services of a temp agency for your Texas-based business. Plus, the hiring process takes a lot of time, resources, and energy. So, if these are the things you are looking to avoid, hire the servi Read More

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