Most of us know when we need to consult with an attorney, but knowing who to contact can be a challenge. How do you find out what their area of specialty is? Or what kind of fees they charge? What do their clients say about them? Read More
Divorce takes an emotional toll on all people involved—family, friends and, for business owners, employees who are concerned about distractions and decisions that may impact the company. There are a few steps you can take now, however, that may make the process less stressful and distracting. Read More
Although cloud computing might be convenient, or even more desirable for some businesses, you need to take a few legal issues into account. Read More
As a small or medium size enterprise, you may be required to offer maternity and paternity leave to your employees. Read More
You should pay more attention to ensure your employees' safety, as well as adhering to legal requirements.

This is a guest post by Jay Acker, workplace safety expert. Read More
Recently, the fast food chain Whataburger sued NCO Financial Systems citing debt collection abuse.  NCO allegedly made persistent and harassing calls to Whataburger headquarters, which employs around 400 people, in an attempt to try and reach an unidentified person working there. Read More
Most businesses do have some intellectual property. Learn why it is important to protect any intellectual property in your small business. Read More
When you own your own business, the responsibilities that arise may or may not involve tasks you are familiar with. While some of these tasks are a pleasure to take on, others may seem daunting. Hiring legal counsel for your business may be one of the tasks that falls into the latter category. Here Read More
Health and safety often receives a bad press, but in reality it has a valid place in the workplace. The HSE, the leading authority on health and safety in the UK set out guidelines for businesses and health and safety training can play a vital role in adhering to the legislation. Read More
Some companies look to incorporate their business outside of the jurisdiction of their primary trading location by forming an offshore trading company. Read More

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