This article focuses on another important benefit: monitoring licensees and franchisees to make sure they are making proper use of your trademarks. Now, before you stop reading because you think this doesn't apply to your business, let me just say that the number and types of business to which this Read More
At a certain growth stage of your small business, you might want to consider whether you should incorporate your business or not. Read on to learn more... Read More
Legal Web Design effectiveness is often constrained by low marketing budgets. This article discusses what can be done within any budget for law practice marketing. Breaks down what are the important things to do based on different budgets. Read More
This is the second of two articles published by Modern Legal Marketing, which discusses 3 things that attorneys and law firms should know about social media marketing. The first was of three myths about social media, and this one touches on facts to know. Read More
Whether you're planning to run a business on the side or launch a full-scale operation, you're going to have to meet certain expectations as do other professionals who work in your industry. Making sure you're in compliance with legally enforced regulations can be especially frustrating when you're Read More
Last week I posted the first article in this 4-part series which discussed one of the main benefits of trademark monitoring: identifying and addressing potential infringers before they create problems for your business. This week’s installment discusses another important benefit: addressing consume Read More
As my posts for this site have discussed in recent weeks, it is critical for brand owners to monitor and protect their trademarks on an ongoing basis. While Nike and Best Buy have been in the news recently for their trademark monitoring and enforcement efforts, trademark monitoring is not just for Read More
This article is the first of two parts in which this legal marketing blog offers advice to attorneys and law firms about how to use social media. This post focuses on social media myths, while the next will be three facts to know about it. Read More
Imagine this: One day a consumer comes to you complaining about a product they purchased recently, and demands a refund. You review your order history, and discover that you did not sell the product in the first place. However, the customer insists that they purchased the product from you, because Read More
Launching a website for your small business isn't exactly rocket science: You figure out what your key messages are, write the copy, find suitable images, plunk everything into a template and—voilà! Or, you hire a firm to do the work for you.

Whichever route you choose, beware—you may be infrin Read More

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