The recession is probably in full swing and companies have difficulties of finding new prospects and even less buyers. CEOs and VP Sales feel the pressure of lacking sales. Salesmen and Sales reps are missing their bonuses. Read More
Sales leaders often ask their team to do things to win in sales, and then do the opposite, leading to confusion and lack of productivity from their teams. Leading is more than just barking orders. Read More
While the process of searching and adding RSS to company and contact data is tedious, it's an investment which will give your organization richer data to work with. Rich data helps sell smarter, so the effort is worth it! Read More
Customers buy when the value of a product or service is greater than the cost of that product or service. Read More
In an interview with a company, you could be asked all sorts of questions; some appropriate and some not. If you want to be prepared, consider how you would answer these questions. Read More
Marketing data is a long term and constant requirement. How much data is needed can vary with time in the short term but the need for marketing data for most businesses doesn't diminish over the long run. So when marketing executives evaluate sources to help them address this requirement and help them build more data or maintain their data, they n Read More
If you desire to make more money and work less in you sales career, then it would be in your interest to invest time in learning how to properly qualify prospective customers. More than any other sales activity we perform, this separates the winners from the losers in sales. Read More
A review of Cheryl A. Clausen's book about achieving sales success through time mastery. Read More
One industry gets consistently hit in an economic downturn. This being the advertising industry. Except in this downturn, newspapers which were already weak, are being decimated. This includes the likes of the Tribune Cos, the Chicago Sun Times and numerous others. The reason behind their demise is twofold. Read More

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