Web activity tracking is a great indicator of what needs to be added to the website, what needs to be changed, what needs to be provided to make the website as much a part of the lead nurturing process as the software application being used. After all till all the elements work in synch, adjustments need to be made to reach that goal of generating Read More
A tongue in cheek post on sales qualification from the view point of a starship captain. How does one navigate new situations and act upon data that comes in about new opportunities...by qualifying the situation continuously. Read More
Qualifying your customers effectively will lead to sales growth. Read More
Blog post discussing the nuances of a sales relationship and steps that can be taken to make your next visit one your prospect is looking forward to. Read More
O'Connell Marketing Recruitment surveyed 801 job seekers across Europe. Individuals reported on their experiences in the marketplace while facing the current economic crisis. Findings showed where budgetary and staffing cuts were being made, affects on salary, and when job seekers predict the current market will improve. Read More
A common perception that our sales team comes across while talking to marketing managers at relatively smaller companies is “we are too small for marketing automation technology or implementing a lead nurturing program”. It's not always easy to break that perception even though a solution like Nurture is just as ideally suited to a small business Read More
This is the tale of Joe-The Runner, a small business owner, who tells you the secret of saving time for yourself and your family. This video can be downloaded on this page Read More
The author identifies the three most important sales talents for the New Normal. Read More
A review of a tool for sales process management: Landslide. Read More
I don't literally mean “dead people” although it would be a great advance in technology if lead nurturing could do that. I mean bringing dead leads back into the sales pipeline using lead nurturing. A lot of companies gather leads over long periods of time through various channels and somewhere along the line, they get marked “cold” or “dead” in t Read More

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