One in four growing businesses feels threatened by the tough economy, according to a survey by the National Federation of Independent Business. But when the going gets tough, the tough get ... marketing. The key is to focus your efforts on building greater brand awareness both online and off. Here's how. Read More
In the sales profession, it's what we do today that matters most. Read More
Another show from the Sales Evangelist himself - Lead Sourcing Series Read More
Sales people need to focus on quantifying opportunities for both the buyer and themselves, rather than just qualifying which may take them in the wrong direction. Read More
Forget about the revenge of the nerds. The technology elite (think Bill Gates, Mark Cuban) are now called "geeks," thank you very much, and they've gone beyond revenge to earn respect as a potent market segment. Geeks are smart, but skeptical, and savvy marketers need to approach them the right way. Here are some surefire ways to reach and win Read More
A detailed look at what respondents said their to ways of winning in sales are given the current state in 2009. Read More
Connecting the dots for your prospects helps them move comfortably through the sales process. Read More
I just had a brief conversation with our prospecting team who are currently working on qualifying leads for a well known technology company. The leads come through from events and tradeshows the company regularly participates in and the team was notified that a bunch of leads from a more recent trade show have been added to their CRM and these wou Read More
Renowned copywriter Robert Lerose, who specializes in direct response advertising, and William Fridrich, who co-invented the "magalog" direct mail promotion, have more than 50 years of combined experience. Here, they offer four promotional copywriting tips that small businesses should take to heart before developing a direct mail marketing campa Read More

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