Effort is important, but... Read More
British inventor, entrepreneur, and industrialist Dyson first came to notice with his design of the Ballbarrow, which won a Building Design Innovation Award (1977). Having sold his interests in this product, he developed the innovative G-Force vacuum cleaner. Unable to interest any European manufacturers to invest in its manufacture he worked with Read More
There's now an easy way to find partners and suppliers - and with video it can be entertaning too. Check out the new video based service provider directory. Read More
Some time ago we realized that a number of our webinar attendees were already tweeting about our presentations. We were long-time users of Twitter for marketing purposes and we recognized this as another opportunity to extend our reach and create buzz, listen and engage with our community, and add additional value to our events. Read More
Consider this riff from a professionaly printed freestanding sign in front of a Peet's in San Jose: "Unlike Any Coffee You've Ever Tasted Before." Wait. Why the capitals? "Unlike any coffee you've ever tasted before." "Before" is redundant. "Unlike any coffee you've ever tasted." Read More
Here are 6 steps to make that process as easy, enjoyable, and productive as possible when working with the designer who will ultimately create structural and navigational elements of the client's website. It's important to be involved in the design process from the start, as I'm sure you've got valuable nuggets to impart, right from the wireframe Read More
I have a lot of fun reading blogs and often learn a lot. But as a trained journalist, sometimes I see things in a blogger's copy that bugs me a bit, and sometimes I read stuff that makes me cringe. Some of it just confuses me, and some of it appalls me. So, when Chris asked me to write a guest post on what bloggers can learn from journalists, I de Read More
Remember - this is a time of year where those using the web are in a buying frame of mind and are more likely to click on product ads that they might see. Here are four options that present products visually: Read More
Make sales by improving sales skills, techniques and putting an emphasis on action. The indulgent economy is a past memory and we are now in one of survival. As a result, doors of sales opportunity are wide open for those that will sharpen their skills, work on their sales techniques and take aggressive action. Read More
Every aspect of our daily lives are affected by sales, even though we may not think in those terms. When you buy any product or service, various sales people are involved in the background. Even your utilities are affected by the sales process. Sales people have gotten a bad “rep” for years, but that isn't necessary. We all know people in the sale Read More

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