The reason we all write blogs and content for our websites is because we have something that we feel is important to say, and we want to get that message out to the public and to our potential consumers. Unfortunately, as my boss has pointed out in one of his posts that only 16% of people actually read blog posts and the rest of us simply scan the Read More
I have done many posts on keyword research at Search Engine Journal and figured it's time to compile all the keyword research tools into one post for further reference. Read More
what if you had the templates to building a small but powerful network? Here's my starting ideas on this. I'll talk in somewhat technical terms, but I promise this has everything to do with the human elements. I hope it sparks something in you. More so, I hope you run with it. Read More
Do you want to increase the search engine ranking of your WordPress blog? Check out these 9 SEO WordPress plugins. Read More
Cisco next year will unveil a new release of its unified communications software that will let companies more effectively collaborate with each other. The new 2009 release will enable intercompany collaboration among business partners, suppliers and customers, according to Barry O'Sullivan, senior vice president of Cisco's Voice Technology group. Read More
Social media marketing has fast emerged as the new advertising channel for marketers. Social networking on a range of different sites from news, music, videos and others had created an unprecedented channel for word of mouth and viral spread of stories of all sorts. Marketers and advertisers are still exploring the best ways of exploiting this new Read More
Writing technology, science and programming blogs, or simply writing for technology savvy readers can have unique challenges. They are often more critical, not as loyal to a single blog source, and are difficult to keep engaged. The ten tips I share here should help attract this finicky audience, and keep them coming back for more. Read More
Important thing to consider is how can you maximize the productivity of your sales team's efforts by replacing random cold calling with smart and educated cold calling. Random cold calling is when: Read More
Have you ever known what you want to say, but just can't figure out how to say it? Here are my tips for producing great copy even when your brain is not cooperating. Read More
Autoresponder is a killer application in the B2C world. B2C marketers like online retailers have long used autoresponders to engage customers, bring them back, drive sales and increase the value of every customer on an ongoing basis. Read More

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