YouTube Insight as we know, provides detailed statistics about the videos that you upload allowing you to see how often your videos are viewed in the different geographic regions, as well as how popular they are relative to all videos in that market over a given period of time. Today, YouTube Insight has gotten slightly better. And just as Google Read More
The 3 phase business strategy by the Underpants Gnomes has to be one of the most ingenious plans created but it had its flaws. Here's what B2B Marketers can learn from the ineffectiveness of the Underpants Gnomes plan. Read More
Building and maintaining a marketing database is a critical component of marketing and one that does use up a significant amount of time and resources. Here is a view on why it may just make more sense to consider outsourcing this activity. Read More
Google has launched a new feature for YouTube Insight: Hot Spot, which enables clients to play their videos alongside a graph that reflects the "ups-and-downs of viewership at different moments within the video." "Hot" and "cold" spots in the content are determined by comparing a videos abandonment rate to other videos on YouTube of simil Read More
IKEA promotes its new campaign dubbed 'Come into the Closet' by welcoming users into their website which looks like a video but functions as an online catalogue at the same time. The site is Once in, you find yourself in a sort of open stage scenario displaying a repertoire of Ikea closet items together with sur Read More
Cubric ponders why some companies automatically renew services and then don't listen to what the customer is really saying about their services. Read More is getting more social and is doing so by introducing a new service called TimesPeople, as an effort to enhance the reach of its content and expand its services to a broader audience. Read More
Meet business author and email guru, Winton Churchill the author of Email marketing for Complex Sales Cycles. Also, join Nikki Leigh and Michelle Price as they discuss ways to use Web 2.0 to promote and to sell more books this afternoon at 5 pm EST on Blog Talk Radio. If you miss the call, feel free to listen to the recording to learn more about h Read More
Web 2.0 is a shift in the way businesses think and leverage the Internet. Sales 2.0 is a shift in the way that businesses manage their sales forces and leads. But is there a Prospecting 2.0? Read More
Meet Winton Churchill and read more about his business book - Email Marketing for Complex Sales Cycles. Winton is touring cyberspace this month and is sharing all types of information with you Read More

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