Successful customer communication is the foundation of all sales. That’s why the most persuasive and effective salespeople are those who naturally speak their customers’ “language.” One well-established field of language study, sales linguistics, helps us to understand how salespeople and their pro Read More
I’ve never been on TV before and now that it was a reality, I was very nervous. What if I get tongue tied? What if my voice quivers? What if I get stage fright?

I only had a couple of days to prepare for the interview, but here is what I learned and I hope you can benefit from these tips when y Read More
You’ve put an amazing pitch together and now you’re ready to email it to a few reporters. You hit send and a few hours later the reporter tells you he’s not interested. A few days later you get another return email with another rejection. Three other reporters never respond. You give up on PR. Read More
do negative headlines really work or is traditional media cutting off its nose to spite its face? I hear daily how people are tired of sensationalist headlines. How do we combat Yellow Journalism? Read More
Our latest installment of pitching tips comes from the Help a Reporter (HARO) conference call with Peter Shankman and four top-tier journalists at national publications:
Sarah Needleman, WSJ small biz reporter (@sarahneedleman on Twitter)
Barb De Lollis, USA today hotel spots (@barbdelollis on Tw Read More
Publicized slander can destroy a brand, regardless of truth. How Toyota went down on a wave of ridiculous hysteria, with zombie infection parallels. Read More
In today’s highly competitive economy, businesses look for every possible edge on the competition. Positive press can provide a huge boost to any business. It can turn an unknown start-up into an overnight sensation. It can build credibility. It can get the attention of a huge untapped market. Read More
Here are a few things you should NEVER say in public relation to make sure you're not just turning the reporters off. Read More
A major part of combating a national fixation on ruins and the “bad” side of Detroit is showing images and creating storylines that are just as compelling and show the rest of the city. Read More
Keeping in mind the importance of business cards in any enterprise, here are few simple steps to make your own business cards using Microsoft Word:
For this open a new word document and go to tool bar to choose “labels” after selecting which a small box pops up. When this happens select “options” Read More

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