Starting up, you need to be creative in securing a funding source. One of creative funding sources some entrepreneurs tap into is personal loan. Read More
It’s been said that if you achieve 30% of your crowdfunding goal, then you are well-situated to reach 100% by the end of your campaign. This rule is a bit confusing since 30% is less than half-way... Read More
Crowdfunding for athletes is an interesting concept, as it can only be done through donation and gift-based practice. The idea of funding an athlete’s dreams connects the fans to that individual in a completely new way, which could revolutionize the industry... Read More
Birthing a fresh, innovative concept is only the first step to a successful crowdfunding experience. In order to create a convincing crowdfunding campaign, a lot of time and effort must be invested in order to attract funders... Read More
QiKfunder‘s Fund it Back program enables project creators to donate 1% of their funds to a charitable cause featured on the website. Not only does this option help charities collect donations, but it also assists projects by highlighting those that have opted to participate in the program. This is Read More
Two new portals have people talking — so what’s all the buzz about? It seems that Upstart and Pave have transformed the familiar donation/reward-based crowdfunding model into something new. Using these websites, entrepreneurs are able to post ideas, achievements, qualifications, and other critical Read More
The applications for crowdfunding are endless. Up until this point, we’ve seen sundry creative, technological and even bio-medical projects thrive, but one industry slow to join-in has been real estate. Unlike these other areas, it’s hard for entrepreneurs in real estate to get their foot in the do Read More
68% of the business owners surveyed in the Pepperdine Private Capital Access Index said it was difficult finding financing. Learn about short, relevant business plans, the 2 best places to check your credit (and why), and how to know what your financing options are. You will increase your chances Read More
There are hundreds of active portals online, but only a handful of which show equity-crowdfunding potential. Of these platforms, we’ve compiled a list of the top five equity-crowdfunding websites to take notice of as 2014 approaches. Read More
Remember, it isn’t necessarily about offering the most expensive or elaborate incentive, but something that is intrinsically valuable and reminiscent of your campaign. Be specific and be creative, as originality is what funders look for. Read More

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