If you are starting an online business, you may not have considered advertising to your local community - but are you slowing down the growth of you business by doing so?

Find out how you can speed up your company's growth and make more money simply by using your local community... Read More
Recent chatter within some sales trainer/author circles suggests the demise of relationship selling is upon us or that at the very least relationship selling is no longer sufficient in today's marketplace.

I can only wonder what "relationship selling" must mean to these people for those suggesti Read More
I'm taking a bit of a departure from some of the rules I have established for myself and this blog.  One thing I have avoided is taking political positions, Read More
Tips to help you learn how to qualify a prospect and make sure that you are selling to the very people who are most likely to buy from you. Sales tips. Read More
Price comparison websites and mobile phone shopping apps have made it so easy for consumers to locate the lowest price - you could easily run yourself out of business trying to compete on price. For many of us small businesses, we'll have much greater success if we simply avoid the price contest. Read More
Not long ago, my wife had to be away from home for a week. It happened to be a week that I wasn't traveling so, I had to fend for myself on meals. The first Read More
If you don't know your client's budget, it will be difficult to successfully win their business. Follow these tips to small business sales success. Read More
After you quote someone, should you just wait to see if they send you a purchase order? Follow these strategies to successfully close deals. Read More
I have to admit I'm a little hard nosed about this topic. We can't have it both ways, it's just an insane argument. When we perform well we should be compensated for it. When we perform poorly, we should be compensated for that performance---not our effort. If our performance has been down from the Read More
A lot of organizations are similar. When I talk to them, they have all the pieces/parts. They have a sales process, they have hired the right people, they have a good organizational structure, they have a compensation plan, they have training, they have demand generation programs, they have marketi Read More

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