Having a great product, service or information is one thing - but getting people to buy from you is quite another. If you've ever tried to sell stuff, you know what I mean.

Although many people want to go into business for themselves or have a great business idea they want to launch - they don't Read More
There are many reasons why a prospect may choose not to buy. Some may be under your control and some may not. Learn to improve your sales process. Read More
Sales presentations need to be targeted, concise, and strategic in closing. Follow these tips for a more effective sales presentation. Read More
Business writing takes time, it’s a fact. Not only you need to make sure that what you have written makes perfect sense to the recipient but also that they will like what they read and ultimately, they will want to work with you. This post will show you exactly how to write business proposals that Read More
However, before we challenge our customers, we have to earn the right to challenge them. We have to first challenge ourselves--to assure we are capable of engaging in a meaningful conversation. Read More
“How much?”

As a business owner, you’ve heard this phrase hundreds, if not thousands of times from potential customers.

How do you usually respond to this question? Before you answer, you should first understand what that potential customer is really asking you. Read More
Didn’t hit your marks in 2011? Customer base is still not as big as you’d like it to be? Can’t quite figure out why? Forget about sales and remember the “R” word.
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Doing more with the same amount of traffic , on the other hand, is not something that most people immediately think of. I see two ways by which web analytics can be used to increase conversion rates: identifying issues that should be addressed; and identifying your most important web pages that sho Read More
It seems clear that the future of professional selling is and always has been a topic of interest for many who sell for a living. What do you see as the future of professional selling? Read More
Do salespeople with insight, such as, for instance, knowledge of a prospect's unique situation, have an adequate learned process to gain positive outcome? Read More

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