An interview with Will Hinton, serial entrepreneur and networker.
* You’re not going to flip a switch or buy some software to bring in business
* The biggest value of technology and online marketing is turning a cold call into a warm call, filtering through prospects, making it easier for people Read More
Imagine a contest. You've landed in a city you've never been to before. You're goal is to get to a certain location. Others are trying to reach that location, you don't know who they are. The person that gets there first gets $10 Million. Read More
In this week's post on performance metrics, I'll take a step back. Rather than looking at a specific metric, I'll spend a little time talking about the differing points of view on metrics---the sales person/individual contributor's view and sales management's view. Read More
If your target customers are small business owners, you’ll be interested in the results of the latest study from the Enterprise Council on Small Business. Two years ago, in the heart of the recession, ECSB asked small business owners, “What is the single most important problem facing your business Read More
If you want to know how to sell more on the internet, you need to learn how to increase your website conversion rate. Find tons of tips, tricks and approaches here. Read More
Loyalty marketers have an open market that can be readily tapped into by using travel as a key reward in loyalty programs. Read More
Ask your sales people these three questions: Does it help you win more business? Does it help you win faster? Does it help you win it more profitably? Read More
Is your sales plan is working? Measuring results gives you great insight into what’s working and what needs improvement for your small business. Read More
Getting people to laugh helped me close more deals than every other method combined. Steve and I were negotiating our first deal. He was pushing me to the wall for a big discount. First, I was unwilling to cut my price. Second; I didn’t need to, because he had already made the emotional commitment Read More
Learn how to increase customer retention, and bring them back again and again, with these online ways to create, build and maintain relationships. Read More

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