For many small business owners, the holiday season is a time for increased sales and new customers. Here are seven tips to maximize your shipping budget, your productivity and your ability to impress customers around the 2011 holiday season.
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Sales 2.0 tools offer tremendous capabilities to sales people. They enable us to dramatically leverage our time--making us much more efficient. Read More
In today's economy, it's hard to make sales. Selling in the age of Facebook - even harder. So what can you do? Read More
Selling to senior level executives shouldn’t stress you out. Follow these strategies to help improve your sales results when selling to high-level executives. Read More
Cold-calling is usually the most challenging part of the selling process. If it were easy, everyone would do it. Once you’ve accepted it, you can use it to your advantage. Read More
Multi-tasking is the ultimate demonstration of your lack of respect---for those who you are not paying attention to, and to yourself. Read More
Providing a successful sales quote can often determine if you win or lose a deal. Read the advice of 12 small business and sales experts on how to prepare a winning sales quote. Read More
Competitive analysis can give you insight into your small business. Learn what your competitors are doing right and wrong and improve upon both. Read More
The first launch I did – it was a WSO, an ebook on marketing with squeeze pages – was pretty lame, I have to admit. But hey, I was new to the whole thing. About the only thing I got right was the sales copy – I’m a copywriter – but even that was probably not hard-hitting enough, because I was so un Read More
Potential clients give you 30 seconds before they make a decision. They’ll either ask questions, or look for opportunities to end the conversation. Consider the fact that business owners receive countless unsolicited calls each day, and you’ve got an uphill battle... Read More

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