One of the main limitations of a CRM solution is the quality of the data that is used. This article highlights a few ideas to ensure this data is as good as it can be in order to give the desired results. Read More
Prospecting is not a start and stop activity. Even when we have a good funnel, we need to prospect. If things are flowing through the funnel effectively, then we will need new deals to replace those we've closed. Read More
Negotiating the terms of a deal can be challenging. Learn these strategies to become a better sales negotiator for your small business. Read More
The phone rings.  I pick it up, it's a sales person from a supplier of Sales Intelligence solutions. Hi Dave, I'd noticed you were on our site, I'd like to Read More
In past posts, I've talked a lot about metrics within the traditional Sales Pipeline/Funnel, focusing on qualified opportunities. Today, too many of the sales people I speak to are opportunity starved. They don't have a sufficient volume of opportunities to achieve their goal. One of the most impor Read More
Isn't the real beneficiary of sales and marketing automation the customer? It seems to me, these tools enable us to dramatically improve the quality of the customer experience. They enable us to transform our relationships and the customer engagement process Read More
You may think the holiday shopping season is right around the corner, but it is actually here now.

In order to gain sales, retailers are making it easier than ever for consumers to shop and buy from them. Black Friday may be weeks away, but according to the Sun Sentinel, many big box retailers Read More
Most people are reluctant to change, unless their situation demands it. Use these questions to highlight a customer’s problem and help her discover its magnitude. Read More
It seems that outside the blogosphere, and especially the more marketing focused sites, business people have no clue what Sales 2.0 is... Read More
Trust is the cornerstone in developing healthy relationships,whether they be personal or professional. It's particularly important in our effectiveness as sales people. However, there's a lot of bad information about establishing and maintaining trust--both with your customers and within your organ Read More

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