So this is what’s happening this morning. I start the morning looking at email. Craig Rosenberg of has posed an interesting question: “Isn’t sending an unsolicited email to someone the same thing as cold-calling them?” There’s an interesting discussion with thoughtful responses from p Read More
Creating effective sales presentations requires time, careful thought, and tact. Follow these tips to win more sales for your small business. Read More
Great Hollywood movies can teach salespeople and small business owners various things that will help them improve their sales results. From an attention grabbing opening to everything being rehearsed, watch some movies and win some deals! Read More
This is a good article about decisions business owners make at the early stages of company. Every entity is very unique. Read More
Today, I got a note from Paul Castain.  Paul hosts one of the best LinkedIn groups and is the author of the Sales Playboook Blog.  Paul usually has an Read More
If you have a plan, are you executing it? If not, then your plans are just wishful thinking. If you don't have a plan, you won't get to where you want to go! Read More
Review of Maximizer CRM, a solution that can enable SMBs to learn more about their customers. We will look at its interface, features, and how it can be used by small businesses. Read More
Cross-selling helps you grow your dollars-per-customers, and therefore grow your sales. Learn the best ways to cross-sell your products and services. Read More
The importance we place on first impressions overshadows our last impression. Most people dress and check their front and maybe a side view in the mirror. Because we don’t have eyes in the back of our head, we pay little attention that side of ourselves. But it’s the last thing people see when [... Read More
When it comes to picking a retail loss leader, a handful of simple tips can help to ensure your strategy brings in the most profit. Read More

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