If you're selling professional services the traditional sales models don't work. Discover how you can develop trust to sell more services and form stronger relationships with your clients. Read More
But, selling is a for profit activity (even in not for profits). It's critical the customers we work with give us a fair return on our selling investment---if they don't thy're not doing their job! Read More
Here is part 3 of 5 parts of an interview with Mark Rodgers, the author of Accelerate the sale. Learn tips that will help you increase your sales. Read More
There's nothing more valuable in B2B marketing and sales than referrals. Here are five smart tips on how to keep those referrals coming in. Read More
Here is part 2 of 5 parts of an interview with Mark Rodgers, the author of Accelerate the sale. Learn great tips that will increase your sales. Read More
If you have salespeople in the field, chances are that you have a firm sales goal in mind as to how much sales you would like to see each of them make every week, every month, or every quarter. You might even be thinking, “How hard can it be to close two sales a month? Why not just do it?”
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I've been wondering a lot about added value recently. We all talk about it, I've written about it, but often I think we misuse the concept. Read More
* What challenges do businesses face today with online conversion?
* You’re really competing with yourself, not your competitors
* Classic book on entering the shopping cart: “Don’t Make Me Think”
* Shopping cart abandonment
* ROI for online conversion is usually high and on going Read More
Here is part 1 of 5 parts of an interview with Mark Rodgers, the author of Accelerate the sale. Learn some excellent techniques to help you gain more sales. Read More
How an employee handles a telephone call can make or break a business relationship. Essentially, you need to treat your clients better than the way you want to be treated when on the phone. And when your business is home-based, your communication skills need to be close to perfect.

The following Read More

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