Do you have a deal that's stuck? Are you and your customer almost there, but can't get further? Consider asking the customer what they want to buy, then sell tham that, not what you decided what you would sell. Read More
In each meeting we have with prospects and customers, we need to maximize our impact with the customer. Preparation is key to achieving that. In each meeting, we want to make sure we are using our time well, we want to maximize the impact on our time utilization. Preparation is key to reducing the Read More


Avatar Posted by ryanhanley under Sales
From 4756 days ago
I write this blog to an audience throughout the Unites States (and in some cases the World) because I think the topics transcend just the Albany / Capital Region. But I'm still a local independent agent serving New York State. That's how I pay my mortgage. The most valuable thing I own are the l Read More
What’s the most effective way to generate leads for your small business? A new survey of lead generation professionals by search and display advertising platform found that pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns were rated the most valuable lead generation tool. Cold calling, not surprisingly, Read More
As leaders and sales managers, a key aspect of our jobs is to manage performance. I find lots of different approaches people use, but at the core the approaches tend to reflect two completely different views of performance. Read More
I'm a little surprised that I'm writing about 9/11.   It's a big departure from my normal ramblings.  This morning, I had no intention of writing about it.  Read More
For years, the conventional wisdom in the small business world has held that it’s risky to rely on one key customer. As soon as possible, the thinking goes, your company needs to diversify into multiple customer accounts so that if one customer goes under, is slow to pay or otherwise “flakes out” o Read More
Providing clients’ way too much in comparison to what you’re charging? This could be a boundary issue and will impact the amount of income you make.

Here are 3 steps to take back control. Read More
You’ve spent countless hours preparing your program launch.

Everything is moving forward like clockwork and the last email is just about to go out. With the special offer you’ve included you’re expecting to generate some real interest from your list.

Then it happens – the Read More
Just for a quick review, three of the greatest levers in hitting your goals are: Increasing Your Win Rate, Reducing Sales Cycle, and Increasing Average Transaction Value. Of these three, perhaps the easiest to achieve is increasing the average transaction value. Read More

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