Strategic thinking, understanding the big picture,, is the way top sales professionals approach every aspect of their job, it's what separates them people chasing transactions. Read More
8 very important rules to help all of you sales people and small business owners out there increase your sales while creating strong brand equity.

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When picking up some fruits and veggies, a sign over some mini watermelons stopped me cold in my tracks. This watermelon sign sets a great example for anyone who thinks they may be selling a commodity. Read More
Sales people need to be opportunity solvers. Sales people need to help their customers see what they can't see. Sales people need to change the conversation--to move beyond just talking about problems, but to helping their customers discover new opportunities. Read More
If you are a team leader for a home party plan business, you already know how important it is to have motivational team meetings. These meetings should also be informational and fun. Having a theme for your parties will make them more unique and interesting. Read More
How many sales calls have been derailed by a salesperson who simply did not know how to effectively set and exceed expectations with the prospect? Who instead of engaging in a productive conversation, chooses to bludgeon the poor prospective customer into submission with an unending litany of facts Read More
I can't imagine a high performing sales person not leveraging these tools (I'll use CRM, but include the array of Sales 2.0 tools within that) to their utmost. The demands on our time are so great, that we need to leverage as many tools as possible to maximize our effectiveness and efficiency. Read More
Last week, I wrote about Pipeline Flow and Velocity. A good measure of the flow is to look at the sales cycle in days, and whether opportunities are stalled in certain stages. But the sales cycle is one of the most powerful personal productivity metrics available to sales people. Focusing on reduc Read More
SALES: Are you uncomfortable talking about money? BRAND HERO: A positive branding experience from PERFORMANCE TIP OF THE WEEK: Read More
Developing sales in a new market or with a new business can be a daunting task. Luckily, there are trends and proven techniques. Here's how to load the envelope until it bursts open with results. Read More

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