Customers really need more than imitators. They need innovators, they need leaders. Customers need suppliers who can help them look at their businesses differently. Read More
Sales training

How sales people lose sales that they should have won

I have recently noticed a common mistake committed by too many sales people that is causing them to lose valuable sales.
I want to tell you exactly what the error is, so you can avoid losing sales that you should have made. Read More
This tip on how to increase sales is presented by Victor Antonio from The video is 2 1/2 minutes long.
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Given the tools and technologies available, it is unacceptable for any marketing or sales professional not to send a personalized email. The email must be addressed to the individual, not occupant (which is what using the bcc field does). Read More
Groupon created an interesting experiment by combining its coupon service with an auto purchase.  Working with Lafontaine Cadillac-Buick-GMC, Groupon offered consumers the opportunity to purchase a $500 rebate towards a vehicle purchase. Read More
What is prospecting? Simply put, prospecting is putting new potential customers or new business into your sales pipeline. It's not cold calling, although many people think it is. Read More
I've been tracking some discussions about old school approaches to engaging customers.  There are a number people talking about the power of handwritten thank Read More
Marketing videos are a fantastic way to create original and shareable content and right now, they are ranked really well by search engines. But more than the SEO benefits, a good marketing video will help you to engage with potential customers that don’t want to read all about you. Read More
If the internet wasn't already hurting the US Postal Service revenue, closing post offices surely will.

If the closures do happen, this action will not only cause a temporary inconvenience, but most likely affect how business is transacted in the future. I see even more businesses switching to Read More
Let me be clear, these people are very smart, experienced and dedicated to achieving their goals--each of which attacks some part of sales performance improvement. But I think part of my discomfort is rooted in how we solve complex problems. Read More

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